Discussing Politics at work – DON’T!

Along with sex and religion, politics is one of the most controversial topics of conversation that exists… especially in the workplace. Few people are able to discuss politics without emotion. In addition, discussing politics can often lead to even more controversial topics like abortion, religion, and gender issues. These topics may be stimulating in a personal setting but can be devastating in a professional one. For most people, what may start out as a polite discussion can degenerate into a loud shouting match with each side thinking the other is “stupid to think that way.” These discussions can have lasting effects on relationships and can possibly lead to perceived bias in such things as performance reviews, raises and promotions.

How do you keep from participating in political discussion?

1. Change the topic.

2. Don’t start conversations that would lead to politics. (Like “Have you voted yet? or Where are the polling places?)

3. Be assertive and let people know that you are uncomfortable discussing politics at work

4. Don’t share “news reports” on the candidates.

5. Be diplomatic and firm.

6. Let people know that you are not willing to engage in discussions because you are busy doing your work!

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