Communication Tips


Successful communication is the key in any relationship. Improve your communication skills and see how your relationships at home and at work will improve. Effective communication occurs when two important things take place: the expression of a thought or feeling and the reception of that expressed concept. Good communication skills can be learned. Here are some tips that will help:

Think before you talk. It sounds so simple but many of us think as we talk. Feel free to say, “Let me think about it.” These five words can make a big positive difference.

Avoid having your nonverbal body language contradict your words—For example, don’t fold your arms in front of you and have a big frown when you are are saying you are open to suggestions. When the verbal and the nonverbal conflict, the nonverbal is the message that screams the loudest.

Be specific about what you are expressing. The greater the generality, the greater the possibility of misinterpretation.

Avoid expressing a belief or judgment, using a ”You message” like “You make me so frustrated.” It is better to use an “I-message” like, “I feel frustrated.”

Consider how you would react if the role was reversed and be other-oriented and think about the impact of your words on your audience.

Good communication needs ongoing practice, training, and experience. You can do it if you try.
(Taken from Communications Seminar by Dr. Mimi Hull)

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