Work + Fun + Creativity

One of the requirements for any program that we do is that it has to be fun. Why? Because studies show that when fun is an added component to work, productivity and creativity increase. Ask Southwest Airlines or Google employees and they will tell you that their culture is one of high energy and high fun. Fun at work is not a new idea. Even during the Agricultural Age, work songs helped ease dreary tasks.

Boomers like to separate work and fun. The X and Y generation believe that if it is not fun, it is not worth doing. To them, fun is not the reward. It is the work itself.

So how do you make work fun?

Capitalize on the spontaneous. If one person is having a funny experience, let them share it. Fun can’t always be scheduled.

Embrace “out of the box” thinking. Expand boundaries. Intentionally, brainstorm silly solutions to problems. Don’t make rules that limit the process.

Do physical and /or competitive team building activities. Have a watermelon seed spitting contest. When we say physical, getting out of the chair and talking in a circle facing out rather then facing in typically brings a smile to the face and ideas to the brain.

Encourage people to express themselves. Have fun stuff on hand and handy. Balloons, balls, markers, large sheets of paper, play dough, silly putty, Dress Up clothing are just some of your tools.

Let people volunteer to be the Fun Master of the day. You will be surprised at how much more creative and productive your organization will be!

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