A New Generation Is Reinventing Retirement

Age 65. For many years, this magic number was the sign for people to say goodbye to the workforce and hello to a leisurely life of retirement. This is hardly the case today. Those in their 50s, 60s and beyond don’t want a traditional retirement lifestyle. They desire new challenges, social connections or extra income, all of which they can find through employment.

While employment certainly delivers many of the benefits the 50+ population seeks, it has its challenges. Mature workers face many decisions when considering employment prospects. They do not want to continue doing what they have been doing and are not sure what they want to do next.

What should you do if you are considering a job change? No matter what your age, conduct a personal assessment to determine what it is you need and want from a job. By clarifying the work experience desired, you increase the odds of finding the right job.

Particularly if this is a second career, consider: Do you want:

  • A steady job or seasonal employment?
  • Part – or full-time work?
  • Occasional work or a regular schedule?
  • To learn a new field or work in one where you have experience?
  • A large or small business?
  • A single employer or varying jobs/employers?
  • A regular or seasonal paycheck?

If working after retirement is a yes for you, a small investment of thought and planning can yield big rewards in job satisfaction. If you’re facing this decision soon, take the time to evaluate your employment preferences now and plan for the future.

Download link: www.hullonline.com/articles/retirement.doc

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