Addressing Team Conflict

Team conflict doesn’t have to be destructive. If well managed, it can be both healthy and productive.

What causes the team conflict?

• Poor or no communication
• Lack of skills to get to the “root cause”
• Lack of clarity of purpose, goals, objectives, team and individual roles
• Uncertainty about or lack of resources and sources for help and support
• Poor time management
• Lack of leadership and management
• Team members lacking skills, bored or not really interested
• Personality conflicts
• Personal problems
• Turnover

How to facilitate conflict resolution.

• Attack the problem, not the person
• Focus on what can be done, not what can’t.
• Encourage different viewpoints and honest dialogue
• Express feelings in a way that does not blame
• Accept your responsibility when appropriate.
• Listen to understand each person’s viewpoint before giving your own
• Hire a neutral facilitator

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