Managing Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting refers to employees who do the bare minimum at work so that they are not fired or laid off. Organizations need to watch for quiet quitting signs so they can remedy the situation and effect change. Quiet quitters lack passion for their work and may actively dislike what they are doing and/or whom they are working for. They do just enough to receive their paychecks and benefits. Some signs of quiet quitting are a lack of communication, being disengaged, and being checked out. Quiet quitters often miss deadlines and/or produce low-quality work. To prevent quiet quitting:

Create purpose in the work environment. Quiet quitters sometimes feel that what they do has no meaning and/or that they are unimportant. This can be because their interests do not align with those in the organization. Giving employees something that correlates with their interests will help sustain their motivation and passion for work. Let them know how their job contributes to all that is done in your organization.

Ask your people for their opinions. When workers are allowed to express their concerns and thoughts, it makes them feel appreciated and wanted. Listening to their concerns allows you to learn, change and improve. This can prevent the employees from quiet quitting because they now have a sense of ownership of the company.

Encourage employment engagement. Creating a community in the workplace can foster impactful and resourceful relationships. If people feel like they’re a valued part of the team, it can prevent loneliness in the workplace and create social connections. Remember: People work for people!

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