New Year, New You: How DISC Types Tackle New Year’s Resolutions

How people approach New Year’s resolutions varies with their DISC type.

(D) DOMINANCE: set bold and ambitious resolutions.
Approach: direct and results-driven and are focused on outcomes.
Strengths: Action-oriented and persistent in achieving results.
Challenges: May get frustrated by slow progress or overlook details.

(I) INFLUENCING: set resolutions that are focused on social engagement or self-expression.
Approach: Enthusiastically sets fun, engaging goals. Often involves others.
Strengths: Positive and good at rallying support from others.
Challenges: Struggles with follow-through and may lose interest if goal becomes boring.

set practical and nurturing resolutions.
Approach: Sets achievable, steady goals focused on self-care or relationships.
Strengths: Persistent and committed, with a focus on harmony.
Challenges: Avoids goals that push them out of their comfort zone.

(C) CONSCIENTIOUS: set resolutions that are related to personal improvement, skill development, or intellectual growth.
Approach: Detail-oriented and logical. Sets well-planned, organized goals.
Strengths: Highly organized and disciplined in following through.
Challenges: Can be overly critical and may get stuck in planning instead of acting.

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