How the Four DiSC Types Approach a Group Project

It helps for a team working on a project to have all four DISC types represented and each type has their own way of working. Dominance (D): Takes charge, sets clear goals, pushes the team to achieve quickly, tackles challenges head-on, and makes decisions swiftly. You can hear a “D” saying, “All right team, we have to organize this project. No excuses! I want to get everything done by next Friday.” Influence (I): Approaches projects with energy, builds team spirit, encourages participation, maintains high morale, and thrives on sharing ideas and having fun. Often an “I” will say, “Oh, this is going to be so great! I’ll get the word out and make sure everyone is excited. Let’s add a karaoke contest and refreshments!” Steadiness (S): Is methodical, values harmony, collaborates well, provides support, maintains steady progress, and acts as a calming influence. You can hear an S say: “I’ll make sure we have everything we need. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll get it done.” Conscientiousness (C): Plans thoroughly and prioritizes accuracy and quality, gathers and analyzes information, ensures every detail is correct, and maintains high standards. It is typical for a C to say, “I’ve created a detailed spreadsheet with all the expenses and timelines. Let’s review it line by line.”

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