Five Mistakes Leaders Often Make- UNITENTIONALLY!

  1. Micromanaging. When leaders micromanage, they unintentionally undermine their team. It is natural to want to help, however, too much guidance can feel like impatience, worry, or mistrust to others. As a leader, you want to instill confidence in people. You can do this by allowing employees to figure things out themselves. Let them struggle (a little bit) and make mistakes! This process builds self-efficacy.
  2. Avoiding Conflict. Conflict can be uncomfortable, and it may seem easier to avoid than face it. But, when leaders do not address conflict, things can fester and become much larger issues than they were initially. It is best to handle conflict as it arises and “nip it in the bud!”
  3. Not Delivering. Leaders must keep their word and make commitments. When leaders do not deliver, their team will feel disappointment and mistrust. It is crucial to be transparent and realistic- especially when the same is expected of others.
  4. Taking on Unnecessary Work. Taking on extra work often originates from an “if you want something done right, do it yourself” attitude. This is dangerous because it creates unnecessary responsibility for you as a leader, as well as undermines your team’s ability to reach their potential. It is important to communicate your needs with people clearly, so they understand what is expected of them, and challenge them to improve their performance.
  5. Lacking Vision. As a leader, it is your responsibility to set a clear vision that will align your team and your organization. People need a vision so that they can work together toward a common goal. Remind them of the vision often!

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