Improve your Memory!


We all forget things! Having said that, there are actions that you can take to avoid memory loss and improve the memory you have.

Declutter! Keep your home neat. Make your bed. Clean off your desk. If your surroundings are cluttered, it is hard to focus and remember the important things that should be your priorities.

Get organized. Plan your work and work your plan. Get a notebook or use the calendar on your phone to keep track of things that you need to do or have done. Write out your to-do list at night so that when you wake up, you know exactly what you need to accomplish that day. Saying your list out loud helps to remember the items on it. Check off items as they are completed.

Do something physically active every day. Physical activity raises blood flow to the brain as well as to the rest of your body. Even little things can help. Walk at a faster pace. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Park farther than nearer to your destination.

Get the sleep you need, typically 7-9 hours. Not getting enough sleep and/or having restless sleep or disturbed sleep is linked to memory loss.

Stay mentally active. Learn/try new things. You don’t have to excel for your mind to engage, and improve your memory.

Have social interactions with people you enjoy. Don’t wait to be invited. Invite others to spend time with you. Spending time with enjoyable people reduces stress and depression. Lower stress and depression improves memory!

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