Mental health support in the workplace is crucial. When employees are mentally and emotionally stable, they work better, manage their emotions, and cope with stress. Unfortunately, mental illness issues are prevalent today, with an estimated one in five Americans experiencing a mental illness every year. In addition, every indicator of poor mental health is up. This includes divorce, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, suicide, and murder.
Employers must provide their employees with a safe and mentally healthy work environment. When employers prioritize mental health, they create a more productive, engaged, and loyal workforce. If not addressed, mental health issues affect an employee’s ability to communicate and work with colleagues, leading to conflict, reduced teamwork, and an unhealthy work environment.
A way to promote mental health and improve productivity is to offer training for managers and supervisors. Supervisors need to understand the different personalities of their people and how to best work with them. The DISC profile can be just the tool to make that happen.
Employers can support mental health by promoting work-life balance. Encourage employees to take breaks, use their vacation time and prioritize self-care to reduce stress and prevent burnout. Employers can also offer flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting and/or flexible schedules, to accommodate employees’ personal and family responsibilities. It is important to note that when employees don’t have interpersonal experiences, that may also cause stress and distress.
Managers who understand the signs and symptoms of mental illness can also connect their people with appropriate resources. EAPs provide employees with confidential access to mental health services, such as counseling, referrals, and support groups.
Investing in mental health is the right thing to do and pays great dividends. Employees who feel supported and valued are more engaged, productive, and less likely to miss work and are more likely to stay with their employer long-term, reducing turnover costs and improving overall employee morale.
The Importance of Mental Health Support In the Workplace
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