When the Personal Affects the Profesional

We all face personal hardships, such as losing a loved one, the ending of a relationship, and various family and health issues. it is inevitable to feel affected by them at work. How do you keep it together when you feel like you are falling apart?

  1. Avoid sharing too many details of your personal life with your coworkers. Everyone does not need to know everything. Keeping good personal boundaries can help prevent conflict and help you manage your time and emotions better.
  2. Practice mini relaxation methods for positive coping. When feelings come flooding in, use on-the-spot relaxation methods to help. Try simply breathing slowly in through your nose and letting it out slowly through your mouth. This can help keep anxiety, anger, and stress at bay
  3. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of developing a hyper-awareness of the present moment and focusing on it without judgment.
  4. Determine if your work environment is the best one for you. While some people enjoy working from home, others feel like they work better when they have people around them.
  5. If your home situation is affecting your work, let your boss know and ask for help. You may need to take time off or change your hours. Typically, your boss, more than your co-workers, can help you find appropriate resolutions.

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