Get More Done with Less Stress!

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1. Set priorities. At home, before you go to sleep, make a list of what you need to do the next day. Do the same thing at your office before you leave. Having “to do” lists will keep you focused and crossing things off the list is a great stress reliever.

2. Say “No.” Remember “NO.” is a full sentence. You don’t have to explain why you won’t be doing what is being asked. Remember, while people may be disappointed that you said no, they will also respect you for it.

3. Stop multitasking! Studies show that multitaskers make more mistakes and actually accomplish less and have more stress. Stay focused. Don’t let technology (your phone!) distract you from your goals. Do one thing at a time. Focus on that task and do it well. You will also have a better sense of accomplishment which will reduce your stress.

4. Delegate more. Keep asking yourself, “Who, besides me could get this done?” Who could learn something, if I let them do this?

5. Accept help. When people offer to help, say “YES.” If you keep turning them down, they will stop offering their support to you and will find someone else who appreciates their help.

6. Let someone do it differently. Different isn’t wrong! Be more concerned with what needs to be done and when it is due rather than how someone does it.

7. Accept good enough. It may not be perfect, but is it acceptable? Stop spending time perfecting something that is just fine the way it is.

8. Relax – Schedule time for you and the things you like to do. Consider it a reward for all the many things you have now accomplished.

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