Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Have you ever personally or professionally doubted your own capabilities? Did you fail to try because you thought you couldn’t succeed? If so, you may be struggling with a fear of failure. Fear of failure is one of the greatest detriments in the workplace because it makes individuals reluctant to take action and keeps them from progressing professionally. Let’s take a look at our favorite tips for combating fear of failure:

Redefine Failure – If you are viewing your failures as deterrents to reaching your goals, you have a fixed mindset of viewing failure as a limitation rather than an opportunity to grow. Adjusting your definition of failure to one of possible opportunity is crucial if you want to ditch this fear.You can fail many times without being a failure!

Set Realistic Goals – If you notice that you are consistently not meeting your expectations, you may need to reevaluate your goals. View them from an outsider’s perspective. Consider whether the goals are really attainable. Did you give yourself a reasonable amount of time to reach them? Do you have the needed resources? If you’ve bitten off more than you could chew, don’t abandon them. Take a step back and readjust.

Focus on What You Can Control – There are always going to be external forces working against you. It is not your responsibility to try to change these things. In fact, you can’t! Put your effort into those endeavors where you have control rather than wasting time trying to control the things you can’t.

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