’Tis the Season of Building a Community in the Office

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Around the holidays, employees are searching
for affirmation from not only
friends and family but their bosses, too.
Here are some ideas to express your
Focused attention. Take the time to
get to know your employees. Often
times managers only know a few details
about the people who work for them.
It’s important to remember, they’re
people, too. Your employees should be
comfortable enough to talk to you
about their lives.
Companionship. Be approachable
for your team. Life can be
overwhelming and it’s not difficult to
spot when someone is upset. Keep an
open mind and be available.
Remember that we are all human and
need someone to express our feelings in
times of need.
Shared experiences. Sharing your
experiences helps create a bond
between you and your employees. Not
only can it be a great learning
experience, employees can learn from
it as well! Whether it be workplace
related or something personal, sharing
grows relationships and trust.
Acts of service. Take your team out
and have a team bonding experience
through an act of service. Spend time
out of the office to support a great
cause! There are plenty of opportunities
to connect with the community that will
allow you and your team to build an
unbreakable bond.
At the end of the day, holiday
generosity isn’t just a gift… it’s an

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