Unconscious Bias

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Bias is an inclination or prejudice for or against a person or group. Unconscious biases are the thoughts and feelings that we may not be aware of, but can keep us from being fair. Our attitudes and behaviors toward others can be influenced as much by our instinctive feelings as by our rational thought processes.
While we may not be aware of our prejudices, and/or prefer not to admit them, they can have damaging consequences on both the way we interact and the decisions we make.
When we share a trait with someone, be it the same gender, college, hometown, or some other similarity, we tend to give them preferences. For example, you may consciously think that men and women are equally effective leaders but, as a woman, you may subconsciously believe that men don’t have the same level of empathy or people skills as women. This may influence a hiring decision, even though this topic was never discussed or questioned.
The Halo Effect is another form of unconscious bias. If we have a good experience with someone of a particular group, we may overestimate other group members’ abilities. Likewise, if we hear or have a negative experience with a group member, it could cloud our opinion and we might discount an individual’s positive attributes. This is how stereotypes are created and promoted.
The more we experience different ideas, images and people that challenge negative stereotypes, the less unconscious bias we have. We need to make the unconscious conscious to gain control of ourselves. be better at what we do, and, more importantly, who we are!

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