Dear Dr. Mimi: Investing Time

Dear Dr. Mimi:
How do you get loyalty from your employees? When I take a job, I go into it thinking that I am going to make this my home. I feel like the minute we get people up to speed and they have mastered their job, they are out of here. Any ideas and suggestions would be helpful.
—Loyal by Nature

Dear Loyal:
Loyalty is no longer committing to an organization for 40 years and getting the gold watch and retiring. It is believed that today, people will have five careers, not just jobs, before they retire. Having said that, loyalty is earned, and it’s a two-way street. Being loyal means giving a relationship a very high priority. To show that it is a high priority, you have to truly get to know and care about the individual and who they are as a person. You also need to help them develop and grow. Find out their goals and aspirations, and help them achieve them. Do what’s in their best interests as well as what is in
the best interests of your organization. When we find organizations that invest in their people, the people invest back into the organization. Make that
investment and it will pay off.
—Dr. Mimi

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