Determining Your Training Needs

Training can take people to the next level and close a gap between current and expected performance, if and only if it is done right. Answer these training needs analysis questions to help your training be more effective and efficient.

         • Why do you want training? What are the needs of your organization?
         • What tasks or skills need to be improved? What have you done to develop the soft          skills like motivation, communication and/or leadership?
         • Does the training adapt to the task and conditions at hand? Will your training be             customized to meet your specific needs?
         • Which employees do you think need training?
         • Is your company ready for the training? Do you have and are you willing to commit          the resources for that training?
         • Who can best deliver the training? Should it be done in-house or should you                   engage an outside resource?

We encourage our clients who are interested in training to simply ask these questions before deciding if training is
appropriate. It makes a huge difference!

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