Conflict Management Tips

Be specific. “I’m never invited to meetings” is less effective than “I think I could have helped at the last meeting.”
Don’t involve yourself in conflicts that don’t involve you or your job. If someone has been wronged, let them resolve the situation as they choose.
It’s not all about you – You may think it’s a personal attack, but maybe they are just having a bad day. Think BEFORE you respond to an insensitive remark. Saying nothing may be the best response.
Depersonalize conflicts. Instead of a “me versus you” mentality, use an “us versus the problem” approach.
Listen first. Before explaining your position, paraphrase and condense what the other said to see how much you understand their position.
Wait to involve your boss. This shows that you are able to resolve difficulties.
Avoid character assassinations. “He missed last week’s deadline” is OK; “He’s a total idiot” is not.
Lastly, consider a mediator, A neutral third party or hiring a professional consultant is a must if the problem gets out of control, or if the issue is too emotional to resolve in a mutual discussion.

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