Stop Being Annoying!

No one likes working next to an irritating coworker and no one starts out the day saying, “How annoying can I be to my fellow coworker?” but yet, you can be.

Do you get personal calls at work? If so, keep them short and quiet. People talk louder on cell phones than landline phones. Be aware of how loud you are talking even on business calls. Your voice may carry much further than you think.

People do not want to smell you. So …Be aware of how strong your perfume, cologne or deodorant is (it shouldn’t be overwhelming). What smells great to one person, really can irritate another. Keep it to a minimum.

Same goes for your lunch: if you eat at your desk, bring something that doesn’t smell. Eat cheese, not spicy buffalo wings, which are both messy and smelly.
Do your feet tend to smell? Keep your shoes on!

A complaint we often hear is that people do not clean up after themselves.
How messy is your desk? Yes, it is your desk but it can be a turn off to anyone who needs to talk with you in your office.

How about the break room? Before you leave the break room, be sure your stuff is not contributing to the mess. Also, check out the refrigerator and remove any old food items that you don’t plan to eat this week.

If you are a splasher in the bathroom, take the extra minute to wipe up after yourself.

By doing these things, you will not be the annoying person that everyone whispers about.

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