Adjusting Attitudes

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Do you have someone with an attitude problem?
If so, never use the word “attitude!”Why? Because it won’t help.
That person will either deny it or has heard it all before and will not know how to fix it. Instead note the verbal and nonverbal behaviors that irritate you and when the behavior occurs.

For example: Are they rude or inconsiderate? Do they spend too much time not doing their job? Now that you have documentation, ask yourself, why the behavior must be changed.

Consider the:
• Impact of the individuals’ negative behavior.
• Effects of the negative behavior towards co-workers and customers.

With this information you are armed to discuss the situation with your problem employee.

• Specifically what you have seen and heard
• Exactly why their behavior concerns you
• Concrete suggestions for improvement

Be sure to set up a time to follow up and review their development. If you haven’t seen progress, it may be time for disciplinary action.

(From “Dealing with Difficult People Training”) – Dr. Mimi

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